Thursday, October 1, 2009

I never new that.

Call me a teachers pet, but I always think it's cool to find out random facts about teachers. Like, they are typically people that you run into in life and only know them as the one who taught you how to read, or to solve long algebraic equations. You never find out were they grew up, what they think about george bush, or other things like that. Last night, my mom went to "Back to school night" and told me that a teacher of mine played hockey, which I thought was so cool. They better like the reading royals, or else we will have some problems. Hahaha. Kiiiding. Thats one of the things I love about people. We are all so different, and it is interesting to see how one grew up, and find out similarities. I don't know. Its just fun.

Yay! I think that was officially the first paragraph that I wrote staying on topic and not talking about random things. haha. Cool. Our GSA meeting today was INSANE. I think it went really well. We had a bunch of freshmen, and some people from other grades. And they were all new faces :D That was awesome. Hopefully this year we will have a louder voice, and try to share the hardships of the gay community to our school so they can stop being rude butt heads all the time. I mean, not doing it in another "oh thats just the gay people flaunting themselves again" kind of way, because first of all, I am straight, so it wouldn't be just another gay person brainwashing people, and second of all, duh we are going to teach this stuff to people and try to get them to stop being so rude about the gay community because obviously they don't know squat about the hardships, and still feel the need to be jerks about their opinions.